Sunday, June 10, 2007

What to Look for in a Weight-Loss Program before Signing Up

Some people can lose weight the right way on their own; others benefit from organized programs. However you achieve your goals, you'll want to learn the principles of sustainable weight loss and skip programs and products that don't work or are unsafe.

Nutritionists say that if you consume more calories than you burn, your body stores the excess as fat, causing you to gain weight. If you take in only as much as you use, your weight stays the same. But to lose body fat and weight, you'll need to burn more calories than you consume.

Experts suggest that if you want to slim down, a reasonable goal is to reduce your weight by 10 percent over six months. Most healthy individuals should aim to lose up to about 1/2 to 1 pound (about 500 grams) a week. To lose weight at this rate, you'll have to burn about 200 to 300 more calories each day than you take in. The best way to do that is to limit calorie intake while increasing exercise. [Read Full Article]

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