Friday, August 17, 2007

Buying Hair Products 101

Hair is most attractive when it is kept clean, shiny, and shaped or styled to fit the individual face and head. A large part of the millions of dollars spent in the United States each year on beauty aids is spent for hair styling and care.

When buying hair products, you may consider the following:


Regular shampoos contain seventy to eighty percent of water, detergent, perfumes and some conditioning oils. They may include harsh ingredients that could be harmful to your scalp like formaldehyde. So be wary what shampoo you must use.

Dandruff shampoos:

Dandruff shampoos may only help lessen the irritation. If your scalp is sensitive to dandruff shampoos' active ingredients, you should alternate them between sulfur-based and tar-based products.

Hair sprays:

Hair sprays can irritate your eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. They must be used in a well-ventilated area. It is much safer to use pumps than aerosols because they emit droplets which are less easily absorbed into your lungs. You may also consider styling foams, but they often contain alcohol, that may dry your hair. [Read Full Article]

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